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Routine Appliance Maintenance Tips
Last updated : 12/30/2020
Normal Use
:. Before starting the dishwasher cycle: Run the hot
water at the sink until it is hot so that the initial
water entering the dishwasher is primed and hot.
The incoming water must be 120 degrees
or hotter to properly dissolve soap, clean, and
sanitize the dishes. Turning the water heater
temperature higher is a good first step in trying
to solve dishwasher performance issues whether
it be not cleaning well, film left on dishes, or soap
not dissolving.
:. Use liquid rinse aid, such as "finish". The
manufacturer includes a dispenser for this inside
the dishwasher so it is part of the dishwasher and
should be used as a must for performance by
manufacturer design, just like using dishwasher
:. In order to avoid using too much or too little
detergent, use detergent pods that have perfect
premixed proportions. They are a nice and
convenient way to get the perfect amount for a
load of dishes.
:. Rinse dishes thoroughly before placing in
the dishwasher. The larger the debris is
that enters the dishwasher on the plates
the more likely it is to become lodged inside
of the sump and gradually lower the washing
performance over time. It can also lead to bad
smells inside of the dishwasher with the food
debris sitting around. Dishwashers are handy
machines, but are not quite miracle machines.
Also, be sure to load the dishes with enough
space in between them for the water from the
spray arms to hit all sides of the dishes. If dishes
are too tight together or are stacked on each
other they are not going to clean well.
:. When unloading the dishes, if you start with the
bottom rack it will help any remaining water on
the dishes from dropping onto the dry dishes

Routine Maintenance
:. If you do not use the dishwasher often: still run it
at least once a week, even empty with just
detergent, in order to help keep it clean and keep
it from smelling. It will also help keep moving
parts working well. Dishwashers also cannot
completely drain the water from their sumps so
keeping this water cycled with fresh water will
help keep smells away.
Leaving the door in the upright position, but not
latched completely, when not using it will help get
some airflow in and out to help keep smells away
as well.
:. Once a month place an "affresh" tablet on the
bottom of dishwasher and run it with the dishes.
This will help break down old soap residue and
build up inside the dishwasher and leave a
clean scent afterwards.
:. If it has it, clean out the filter periodically that is
on the floor of dishwasher.
:. For smells, poor performance, or excessive
sudsing, try running an empty load with an
upright cup of white vinegar on the top rack.
Also, spread a half cup of baking soda on bottom
of dishwasher. Run dishwasher on a "heavy"
cycle, or whichever cycle has the longest run
time. The white vinegar will eventually fill up and
overflow, slowly spilling the vinegar into the
dishwasher to help clean during this cycle.
:. Plasticware will not be completely dry at the
end of cycles. There are some extremely
expensive dishwashers, such as Dacor, that
have models with fans that dry plasticware.
Almost all dishwashers will not dry plastics so
they would need to be placed out to dry after
the cycle.
Also, do not put plastics on the bottom rack if
there is an exposed heater at the bottom of the
dishwasher. This gets extremely hot during the
dry cycle and can melt the plastic.
:. If dishwasher is not turning on at all, often there
is a light switch on the kitchen wall that is the
power switch for the dishwasher. This switch
is often next to the garbage disposal switch.
:. Make sure to run the garbage disposal, if you
have one, a few times a week to help keep items
in it cleared out and so that items are chopped
up to help drain down the sink's plumbing easier.
The dishwasher drain hose drains into the
disposal. If the disposal (or sink) is having
draining issues the dishwasher will also have
draining issues. If you notice the sink backing up
when using the sink faucet or when the
dishwasher is draining trying running the
disposal to help it clear and drain faster. If this
does not help, a plumber and not an appliance
company may be needed.
- If you do not have a disposal we would
recommend having a plumber install a new set
up with a disposal as they will help the sink's
plumbing from becoming clogged. Also, any
large items on your plates make sure to just
throw them in the trash instead of down the sink
to help out your plumbing.